City Administration

The City of Sparta has implemented City Administration divided in two major rolls responsible for the day to day management of City services. They attend all Common Council meetings and report directly to the Council on all matters of municipal operations.

Major functions and duties include:

  • General and supervisory control of all departments of the City
  • Annually prepares and submits a City Budget to the City Council for review and approval
  • Oversees all expenditures and purchases made by the City in accordance with City purchasing policies
  • Serve as the City’s Personnel Dept. responsible for the development, implementation, and enforcement of Personnel Rules and Regulations
  • Carries out all directives and policies approved by the City Council which require administrative implementation through coordination of the various City Departments
  • Monitoring of proposed federal, state, and county legislation potentially affecting the City
  • Promotion of the economic well-being and growth of the City through public and private sector cooperation

Staff Contacts

Name Position Phone Email
Todd Fahning Co-City Administrator | Community Development (608) 269-4340 Ext. 5159 bldg [at]
Mark Sund Co-City Administrator | Finance (608) 269-4340 Ext. 5151 treas [at]